On the Desktop version, Console version, Mobile version, Switch version, and tModLoader version when threatened by enemies, the Goblin Tinkerer will defend himself by throwing Spiky Balls, which behave like those thrown by the player and deal 15 / 22 / 26 damage at the start of the game, and (on the Desktop version, Console version, and Mobile version) as players progress he will gain various stat increases. Any modifier given to the newly crafted item will be completely random. The modifiers of items used in crafting have no effect on the crafted item's modifier. The reforge cost is also affected by the Goblin Tinkerer's Happiness, and can be decreased by equipping a Discount Card or Greedy Ring. Reforges cost one-third of the item's current value, which can also be affected by its current modifier. The Goblin Tinkerer's reforge option allows the player to randomize the Modifier for a weapon or accessory, which can make the item better or worse than it was originally.

He will then respawn as long as a vacant House is available. He will appear to be bound at first, and like the Mechanic, Wizard, Golfer, Tavernkeep, Angler, and Stylist, talking to him in this state will free him. He can be acquired after a Goblin Army has been defeated, spawning randomly in open areas in the Cavern layer. The Goblin Tinkerer is an NPC that sells several unique items, as well as providing the Reforge function.